Specializing in Nutritional Consultations via Telehealth !
Specializing in Nutritional Consultations via Telehealth !
Each company in the store has been personally vetted and tested by Dr. Sue, her pets, and her patients to improve their health , well being and quality of life.
Standard Process provides premium whole food nutritional supplements that effectively and holistically enhance wellness, support body balance and promote healing - for pets and people.
Real Mushrooms supplements are 100% Certified Organic with verified beta-glucan content and no grain fillers. This means better immune system and organ support for your pet and for you.
Get 25% off of your first order with the link below!
TEEF water additive is made from pure, vegan, plant derived ingredients that favor the growth of beneficial microbes in the mouth (including under the gumline) so they out-compete the bad. This results in decreased inflammation, acid production, and smelly breath , which provides an improved quality of life for your pet.
Give your dog the benefits of “the world’s most advanced wearable technology”.
The Intelligent Threads collar interacts directly with your dog's muscular system to release and relax muscles allowing for improved overall body structure alignment.
This collar can help with hip dysplasia relief, spinal correction, increased oxygenation, calming mood, enhanced stamina and better mobility.
The BioMat’s medical and therapeutic properties are based on Nobel prize-winning research into ionic channels and NASA approved infrared technology.
What it means for pets is pain relief, better sleep, improved circulation and detoxification, reduced stress, and better relaxation along with protection from EMF devices.
At checkout put “DRSUE” in the Order notes section
When attached to your pet’s collar, the tag creates a protective shield that repels fleas, ticks, and other parasites. FleasGone tag is the original and only non-toxic natural anti-parasitic preventative tag in the world backed by scientific studies
The Fleas Gone tag is natural, safe and guaranteed for life to prevent Lymes and Heartworm.
Chinese Herbal formulas
MycoRev medicinal mushrooms, Turmeric PhytoRev or Active Binder
RxD3, RxB12, RxHemp, Rx Clay, Phosbind
Homeopathic remedies
Animal Biome Saccharomyces Boulardii, Gut Cleanse, Gut Restore , Gut Maintenance Plus, Skin and Coat Relief, Gut Relief
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